Enable TCP Port 25 on an Alibaba Cloud Server

Enable TCP Port 25 on Alibaba Cloud
This tutorial explains the steps to manage the firewall and enable TCP port 25 on an Alibaba Cloud server. 


Alibaba Cloud provides a comprehensive set of global cloud computing services to power Alibaba’s eCommerce ecosystem and other online businesses. Since 2009, Alibaba Cloud has been one of the leading providers of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cloud computing. Alibaba Cloud offers cloud computing resources and services to thousands of government organizations, developers, and enterprises in more than 200 regions.

Users can use firewalls to implement access control on simple application servers and define security domains in the Alibaba Cloud. This tutorial describes the port information preset by the firewall feature, adds firewall rules for a simple application server, and enables TCP port 25 on an Alibaba Cloud server.

The firewall of each simple Alibaba Cloud application server allows traffic on HTTPS port 443, HTTP port 80, and Secure Shell (SSH) port 22 and denies traffic on the other ports by default. Users can add firewall rules to allow traffic on more ports in Alibaba Cloud.


Add a Firewall Rule

In order to add a firewall rule in the Alibaba Cloud, follow the below steps:

1. First, log in to the Simple Application Server console.

2. Next, click the Servers option from the left-side navigation panel.

3. Find the simple application server that the user wants to add a firewall rule, and click the server card.

4. Choose Security >> Firewall from the left-side navigation panel.

5. If the user has never added firewall rules for the server, they can find only ports 22, 80, and 443, which is allowed by default on the Firewall page.

6. On the Firewall page, click the Add Rules button in the upper-right corner.

7. On the Add Firewall Rule dialogue box, configure application Type, Protocol, and Port Range parameters.


The following table describes the parameters.


Application TypeUsers can select the Customize option from the Application Type drop-down list to customize a firewall rule, or users can choose another value from the drop-down list to use a preset firewall rule.

  • If the user uses preset firewall rules, the port ranges and protocols are automatically entered and must not be manually specified.
  • If the user wants to customize one or more firewall rules, they must specify the protocols and port ranges.
  • When the user selects a preset firewall rule, a protocol is automatically updated and must not be manually specified.
  • When the user customizes a firewall rule, they must specify this parameter. The valid protocol values are UDP and TCP.
Port RangeWhen the user has selected a preset firewall rule, a port range is automatically updated and does not need to be manually entered.

When the user has chosen the customized firewall rule, they must specify this parameter. Valid values: 1 to 65535. Users can use one of the below methods to set this parameter:

  • Specify a port number range. For example, in order to allow traffic on ports in the range of 30000 to 40000 that the user must specify in the FTP configuration file, enter 30000/40000 in the Port Range field.
  • Specify a single port. For example, in order to allow traffic on Oracle listener port 1522, enter 1522 in the Port Range field.
RemarkEnter a brief description of the firewall rule to facilitate subsequent management in this field.


>> Note: Users can click the +Add Rules button to add more rules.

After the user has added firewall rules, they can view the added rules on the Firewall page, as shown below.


Enable TCP Port 25 on Alibaba Cloud


8. Finally, click the OK button.


Port Information Preset in Firewalls

Some of the port information present in firewalls of an Alibaba Cloud server is: 


Application TypeProtocol Port RangeDescription
HTTPSTCP443The default HTTPS port.
HTTPTCP80The default HTTP port.
SSHTCP22The default SSH port.
FTPTCP21The default FTP port.
TELNETTCP23The default Telnet port.
MySQLTCP3306The default MySQL port.
All TCPTCP1 to 65535All TCP ports.
All UDPUDP1 to 65535All UDP ports.
All UDP and TCPUDP + TCP1 to 65535All UDP and TCP ports.


 Request to Enable TCP Port 25

For security purposes, the Alibaba Cloud server blocks outbound traffic transmitted through TCP port 25. Therefore, users cannot use Alibaba Cloud instances to access external addresses through TCP port 25. In order to enable TCP port 25, follow the below steps:

1. First, log in to the Alibaba Cloud Security Control console.

2. Select Application >> Open Port 25. On the page that appears, click the Apply button to open Port 25 in the upper-right corner.

3. Select an IP address type, and fill out the following application form. Set the following parameters in the application form: 

  • Enter IP: Enter the IP address of the instance for which the user wants to enable port 25. The IP address must be a public IP address of an Alibaba Cloud server instance that belongs to the current Alibaba Cloud account.
  • Enter a domain name: Enter the domain name of the mail server for which the user wants to enable TCP port 25.


Enable TCP Port 25 on Alibaba Cloud


4. Then, click the OK button.

5. Tick the Agreed “Terms Governing the Use of Port TCP 25” option and click the Next button.

6. On the next page, fill out the application form and describe the use of TCP port 25 in detail. On the application form, set the following parameters: 


Enable TCP Port 25 on Alibaba Cloud


  • Type of email to send: Mention the type of emails that the user wants to send from the Alibaba Cloud server connected to TCP port 25 in this field.
  • Number of emails to send per day: Enter the number of emails that the user wants to send from the Alibaba Cloud server connected to TCP port 25 in this field.
  • Include an unsubscribe function: Choose whether the server is connected to TCP port 25 that offers the unsubscription service.
  • Usage Description: Enter the purposes of the user’s application in detail.


7. Finally, click the OK button to submit the user’s application.



This tutorial presents the steps to manage the firewall and enable TCP port 25 on an Alibaba Cloud server. Hope this tutorial was helpful, and do reach out to us if you have any queries or suggestions. 

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