Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to the most frequently asked questions here. Feel free to reach us anytime if you still don't see what you are looking for.

You probably already know that we do not use traditional methods like passwords, access keys, and we also do not use the default SSH installed in your server.
We use our tool called “SHConnect.” It’s a tool build using SSH, but it’s far more advanced and secured than traditional SSH and will run on port 3022. The installation is effortless and straightforward. We have our script called “SH Connection Enabler,” and while ordering, you will need to run this script in the server, which will do everything.
Please check here to know more: SHConnect
Note: While executing, you will see the script adding an access key, and that is to connect your server with our automation platform and not for normal server access.
Our infra and security practices are one of the best available in the industry, and your data will always remain secured and protected with us.
For more details and a detailed explanation, please visit the “Annex 2 – Security Measures” section of our Data Processing Agreement.
Please review to “12. EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)” section of our privacy policy. You may also check our Data Processing Agreement.
Our in-house team did all the design and developments works.
Currently, we are not offering design and development works to the public because that might shift our focus from our core business areas. You may still check with our sales team if it’s an urgent requirement.
Please check our Brand Assets page, and all such details are mentioned there.
Thank you so much for being so interested! Please check our Career page and also make sure to follow our social media pages for job alerts if you don’t see an open position.
Please check our About Us page, and you can see all details about our mission, vision, and values there.
Yes, we do because we have many customers from Europe and countries where DPA is a must. Please click here to know more: Data Processing Agreement.
Yes, you will be able to significantly reduce the cost without any drop in support quality. Our techs are also highly trained and skilled in almost all major areas of the web hosting industry. There are many other reasons why this is the best option, and get in touch with us to know more.
Please check here: Privacy Policy.
You can send us the bonus or rewards, and we assure you that all these will go directly to the team members, and we have many clients doing so.
No issues with that. If you think that is required or your company has an NDA with specific rules or procedures, we can discuss/review and possibly sign that contract.
Please check the details here: Service Level Agreement.
You can either pay via PayPal or via CreditCard. Please check our Payment Policy page for more details.