Coupon Codes & Promotions
From time to time, we provide a variety of deals, discounts, coupon codes, and promotions for our services. Check out the coupon codes below and grab the deals before it expires!

Promo Codes February 2025
The sale ends soon! Grab before the deals are gone!
Get our “Pro Care” server management plan for less than the price of “Support & Monitor”! Apply and get the plan for discounted price forever!
30% Off Pro Care Plans
Status: ACTIVE
If you are ordering a "Plesk Windows Pro Care Plan", the current price is $79.99, and after applying the code, it'll be $55.99
Grab the 20% lifetime discount offer for all “Support & Monitor” plans sitewide! Once applied, you will get the plan for the discounted price forever!
20% Off Support & Monitor
Status: ACTIVE
If you are ordering a "Plesk Windows Support & Monitor Plan", the current price is $55, and after applying the code, it'll be $44
Our “Maintain & Monitor” plans have a $10 setup fee. Apply this coupon to remove the setup fee and save $10!
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Yes, you can. But you won’t be able to do that from the client area. Please email us and mention the service name and the offer you want to apply. We’ll review and will apply the offer if eligible.
Please email us, and we’ll apply the offer for you. No need to cancel and re-order.